R | Payment Card (debit or credit) |
E | Branded debit checking card. This type is used for Canadian debit cards (Interac) only. |
V | Branded debit savings card. This type is used for Canadian debit cards (Interac) only. |
D | Unbranded debit checking card |
I | Unbranded debit savings card |
C | Bank checking account |
S | Bank saving account |
F | EBT food stamp |
H | EBT cash benefit |
G | Gift card |
L | Fleet |
K | Check (used for sale-info, credit-info API calls) |
A | Cash (used for sale-info, credit-info API calls) |
capture-value | Type of the request/response |
DEF | Default currency of the merchant account |
PTS | Points |
S | Indicates that a secondary transaction cycle is closed. Secondary RTC includes only direct debit transactions. |
P | Indicates that a primary transaction cycle is closed. Primary RTC includes only payment card transactions or both card and direct debit transactions. |
NP | Not present |
MC | Magnetic card |
CC | Chip card |
CH | Check |
S | Swipe/Scan; data is received when a card/check is swiped/scanned |
H | Chip; data is received when an EMV card is inserted into a terminal |
C | Contactless; data is received when a contactless card is tapped to a terminal |
M | Manual; data is received when a user enters it manually. Used when card/check data cannot be read by any of the entry methods indicated above |
X | Unknown |
S | Supported |
U | Unsupported |
N | Inoperative |
O | Offline |
VC | Visa credit card |
VD | Visa debit card |
MC | MasterCard credit card |
MD | MasterCard debit card |
DC | Discover credit card |
DD | Discover debit card |
AC | AmEx credit card |
NC | Dinners credit card |
BD | Bank debit card |
BC | Checking account |
BS | Savings account |
VP | Visa prepaid card |
VS | Visa fleet card |
MP | MasterCard prepaid card |
MF | MasterCard fleet card |
EF | EBT food stamp |
EC | EBT cash benefit |
GG | General gift card |
FL | Fleet One card |
GF | Fuelman or FleetWide card |
VF | Voyager fleet card |
WX | WEX fleet card |
CA | Cash (used for sale-info, credit-info API calls) |
CK | Check (used for sale-info, credit-info API calls) |
VE | Visa debit checking account |
VV | Visa debit saving account |
P | Person |
O | Organization (Corporation) |
NN | No verification |
II | Ink signature verification |
DD | Digital signature verification |
PP | PIN verification |
PI | PIN and ink signature verification |
PD | PIN and digital signature verification |
A | Add new items |
R | Replace current items |
N | Indicates that partial authorization is not supported |
T | Indicates that partial authorization is done by the terminal |
P | Indicates that partial authorization is done by a POS |
online | Indicates that the transaction is processed online |
offline | Indicates that the transaction is processed offline, i.e. it is pre-processed (in case of swiped transactions) or it has been approved by the chip (in case of EMV transactions) |
N | Indicates that the receipt is not needed. |
G | Indicates that the receipt is sent to a customer via email. |
T | Indicates that the receipt is printed out by the terminal. |
P | Indicates that the receipt is printed out by the POS. |
VC | Visa credit card |
VD | Visa debit card |
MC | MasterCard credit card |
MD | MasterCard debit card |
DC | Discover credit card |
DD | Discover debit card |
AC | AmEx credit card |
NC | Dinners credit card |
BD | Bank debit card |
BC | Checking account |
BS | Savings account |
VP | Visa prepaid card |
VS | Visa fleet card |
MP | MasterCard prepaid card |
MF | MasterCard fleet card |
EF | EBT food stamp |
EC | EBT cash benefit |
GG | General gift card |
FL | Fleet One card |
GF | Fuelman or FleetWide card |
VF | Voyager fleet card |
WX | WEX fleet card |
VE | Visa debit checking account |
VV | Visa debit saving account |
B | Bill payment |
R | Recurring |
I | Installment |
H | Healthcare |
RE | Retail |
RS | Restaurant |
CCD | Corporate credit or debit (direct debit only) |
PPD | Prearranged payment and deposit entry (direct debit only) |
POP | Point purchase entry (direct debit only) |
N | Pending; indicates that the transaction requires approval for further processing |
P | Processed; indicates that the transaction is processed |
R | In Rebill; indicates that the transaction is in rebill |
C | Cancelled; indicates that transaction processing is cancelled |
CI | Indicates that a void has been initiated by a customer |
TR | Indicates that a void has been done due to a timeout reversal |
SM | Indicates that a void has been done due to an error within the system |
SF | Indicates that a void has been done due to a suspected fraud attempt |
PR | Indicates that a void has been done due to a premature card removal |
CD | Indicates that a void has been done due to a payment card chip decline |