Vantiv Tandem Retail File Batch

Parent:    File Batch
Added On:  06/13/13 
Module:  UniCharge 
Type:  Entity  Status:  Active 
Java Class:  VantivTandemRetailFileBatch 
Vantiv Tandem specific File Batch representation for the settlement process. It represents a group of Vantiv Tandem Capture Retail Transaction objects that are settled together as a group within a single file.

During Generation Process, Vantiv Tandem Retail File Batch is converted into a settlement file, which is then registered into File Store for further processing.
Added On:  06/10/16
SQL Column:  
Java Field:  basicAuthentication
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  
Java Type:  String
Attributes: Transient
Added On:  06/14/13
Java Field:  bitMapType
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(2)
Java Type:  String
Used in conjunction with the Message Type Identifier to determine which data elements are in the message being transmitted.
Added On:  06/14/13
SQL Column:  BIT03
Java Field:  bit03
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(6)
Java Type:  String
Processing Code.

May appear in the following message types:

  • 0100 and 0110 - Authorization request and response
  • 0200 and 0210 - Financial request and response
  • 0220 and 0230 - Financial request and response
  • 0400 - Unsolicited Reversal request (this is the Processing code of the original that is being reversed. The original processing code was ISO Format. This code will be its equivalent value in TPS format.)
  • 0410 - Reversal response
  • 0500 - Reconciliation request

Consists of three two-digit sub fields that indicate how the transaction specified by the message type affects the customer’s related account(s).

Note: The authorization service can update the "From" and "To" account information. The operating rules for the authorization service may require the terminal device to print the account information on the receipt.
Added On:  06/14/13
SQL Column:  BIT11
Java Field:  bit11
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(6)
Java Type:  String
System Trace Audit Number (STAN).

The in-store controller creates this six-digit number at transaction time to uniquely identify the transaction. This field appears in every message type supported by the Tandem Online System and the instore controller.
Added On:  06/14/13
SQL Column:  BIT115
Java Field:  bit115
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(16)
Java Type:  String
Trace Data 1.

In the host capture terminal message set, this 16-character field must appear in the 0800 (Bit Map Type 02) and 0810 (Bit Map Type 94) network management request and response when processing the line management test function (echo test).

The field is included in all controller messages as an echo field for the controller’s use.
The Tandem Online System echoes the data exactly as it was received.
Added On:  06/14/13
Java Field:  bit123ErrorText
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(20)
Java Type:  String
Error Text.

This 20-character field must appear in all response messages when the Bit Map Type is 99 (i.e., error responses). The field indicates an error condition; the text is displayed on the POS terminal.
Added On:  06/14/13
Java Field:  bit123ResponseCode
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(3)
Java Type:  String
Response Code.

The three-digit response code must appear in all response messages when the Bit Map Type is 99 (i.e., error responses). In the case of the 0330 file update response (Bit Map Types 81 and 89), both approval and error messages include the response code. This field is used to further define the cause of a decline or error response, and is displayed in the scroll area of the terminal.

POSA Prepaid Transactions
When error response code values of “001” or “795” is received, the POS device should place the transaction on a store-and-forward (SAF) queue for retransmission. SAF request messages must have the POSA-Stand-In indicator (Field 135) to “Y” and include the POSA SAF Reference Number (Field 136) of the original transaction when available.

The POSA SAF Reference Number is provided in field 105.3 of the response message. A POS device time-out should be treated the same as receiving a “001” response code except that the POSA SAF Reference Number should be set to spaces. If SAF queuing is used, the POS should use parameters to determine number of retries and retry interval.
Added On:  06/14/13
Java Field:  bit124WorkingKey
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(16)
Java Type:  String
Working Key.

The 16-character working key appears in all response messages. It is not used when DUKPT encryption is employed.

The field will contain blanks if the host does not require a key exchange. If the field does not contain blanks, the terminal uses this working key for future debit/EBT transaction processing.
Added On:  06/14/13
SQL Column:  BIT32
Java Field:  bit32
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(4)
Java Type:  String
Acquiring Institution Identification Code.

This four-digit field must appear in the following message types:

  • 0100 Authorization request
  • 0200 Financial request
  • 0220 Financial request
  • 0400 Reversal request
  • 0500 Reconciliation request
  • 0800 Network management request

The code (referred to in the Tandem Online Systems as the Bank ID) identifies the acquiring institution (i.e., merchant bank, merchant grouping, or merchants’ hierarchy) for the associated Card Acceptor ID Code (the Tandem Online Systems Merchant Number).
Added On:  06/14/13
SQL Column:  BIT41
Java Field:  bit41
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(3)
Java Type:  String
Card Acceptor Terminal Identification.

The three-digit card acceptor terminal ID code (referred to as the Terminal ID in the Tandem Online System) identifies the terminal at the merchant (card acceptor) location at which the transaction was entered.
This field must appear in all transaction request messages.
Added On:  06/14/13
SQL Column:  BIT42
Java Field:  bit42
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(12)
Java Type:  String
Card Acceptor Identification Code.

The 12-digit card acceptor ID code (referred to as the Merchant ID in the Tandem Online System) must appear in all transaction request messages. This field, in conjunction with the acquiring institution identification code (Field 32), uniquely identifies the merchant in the Tandem Online System.
Added On:  06/14/13
Java Field:  bit66SettlementCode
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(1)
Java Type:  String
Settlement Code.

The single-digit settlement code field appears in the 0510 reconciliation response message for the 610 message set. It indicates whether the store totals and the Tandem Online System totals match. Valid values returned in this field are as follows.

1 = Totals sent match Tandem Online System totals,
2 = Totals sent do not match Tandem Online System totals.

For batch inquiry requests, the totals check is not performed, and the value of 1 is returned in the response.
Added On:  06/14/13
SQL Column:  BIT70
Java Field:  bit70
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(3)
Java Type:  String
Network Management Information Code.

All request message types support the following codes:
  • 000 = Default (no key change required)
  • 101 = Key change requested
  • 900-999 = Log transaction as given error.

The Tandem Online System will record this transaction as an error transaction with the given code and the error server name as ‘SLHBAS’.

Full reversals support the following value:
  • 400 = Suspected Fraud

  • In addition, message type 0800 supports the following values:
    • 360 = Terminal validation
    • 380 = FleetOne Batch Close
    Added On:  06/14/13
    SQL Column:  BIT74
    Java Field:  bit74
    Status:  Active
    SQL Type:  varchar(6)
    Java Type:  String
    Returns, Count.

    This six-digit field appears in the 0500 reconciliation request message for the controller interface. The value of the field indicates the total number of credit, debit, and EBT return transactions.

    For Gift Card transactions, this field will be zero filled.
    Added On:  06/14/13
    Java Field:  bit74ReturnsCount
    Status:  Active
    SQL Type:  varchar(6)
    Java Type:  String
    Returns, Count.

    This six-digit field appears in the 0500 reconciliation request message for the controller interface. The value of the field indicates the total number of credit, debit, and EBT return transactions.

    For Gift Card transactions, this field will be zero filled.
    Added On:  06/14/13
    SQL Column:  BIT76
    Java Field:  bit76
    Status:  Active
    SQL Type:  varchar(6)
    Java Type:  String
    Sales, Count.

    This six-digit field appears in the 0500 reconciliation request message for the controller interface. The value of the field indicates the total number of credit, debit, and EBT sale transactions and check conversion transactions.

    For Gift Card transactions, this field will be zero filled.
    Added On:  06/14/13
    SQL Column:  BIT76_SALES_COUNT
    Java Field:  bit76SalesCount
    Status:  Active
    SQL Type:  varchar(6)
    Java Type:  String
    Sales, Count.

    This six-digit field appears in the 0500 reconciliation request message for the controller interface. The value of the field indicates the total number of credit, debit, and EBT sale transactions and check conversion transactions.

    For Gift Card transactions, this field will be zero filled.
    Added On:  06/14/13
    SQL Column:  BIT86
    Java Field:  bit86
    Status:  Active
    SQL Type:  varchar(12)
    Java Type:  String
    Returns, Amount.

    This 12-digit field appears in the 0500 reconciliation request message for the controller interface. The value of the field indicates the total dollar amount of credit, debit, and EBT return transactions.

    For Gift Card transactions, this field will be zero filled.
    Added On:  06/14/13
    Java Field:  bit86ReturnsAmount
    Status:  Active
    SQL Type:  varchar(12)
    Java Type:  String
    Returns, Amount.

    This 12-digit field appears in the 0500 reconciliation request message for the controller interface. The value of the field indicates the total dollar amount of credit, debit, and EBT return transactions.

    For Gift Card transactions, this field will be zero filled.
    Added On:  06/14/13
    SQL Column:  BIT88
    Java Field:  bit88
    Status:  Active
    SQL Type:  varchar(12)
    Java Type:  String
    Sales, Amount.

    This 12-digit field appears in the 0500 reconciliation request message for the controller interface. The value of the field indicates the total dollar amount of credit, debit, EBT sale and check conversion transactions.

    For Gift Card transactions, this field will be zero filled.
    Added On:  06/14/13
    Java Field:  bit88SalesAmount
    Status:  Active
    SQL Type:  varchar(12)
    Java Type:  String
    Sales, Amount.

    This 12-digit field appears in the 0500 reconciliation request message for the controller interface. The value of the field indicates the total dollar amount of credit, debit, EBT sale and check conversion transactions.

    For Gift Card transactions, this field will be zero filled.
    Added On:  05/16/14
    Java Field:  isTerminalCapture
    Status:  Active
    SQL Type:  tinyint(1)
    Java Type:  Boolean
    Attributes: Default:true
    Indicates whether terminal capture is used for settlement.
    Added On:  06/13/13
    Java Field:  networkRouting
    Status:  Active
    SQL Type:  varchar(6)
    Java Type:  String
    Сan be used to route the transaction through the front-end communications network (for example, CompuServe’s Routing Identifier – CRI). It appears in all messages, but is ignored by the Tandem Online System.