Added On: 02/13/12
Module: UniCharge
Type: Entity
Status: Active
Java Class: CcAmexBatch
Entity that represents a batch of transactions as it is defined in Amex's batch processing specification.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: batchCreditAmount
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(15)
Java Type: String
For Billing and Billing Response Files, this field contains the total value of the credit transactions (TAB Records) in the batch, in the currency that corresponds to the Service Establishment Number in the Transaction Batch Header (TBH) Record for this batch. All TAB Record transaction and tax amounts, and TBT total amounts, in a batch must be in the same currency.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: batchCreditCount
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(6)
Java Type: String
For Billing and Billing Response Files, this field contains a value that corresponds to the total number of credit transactions (TAB Records) in the batch.
If the batch contains no credit transactions, this field must be zero filled.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: batchDebitAmount
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(15)
Java Type: String
For Billing and Billing Response Files, this field contains the total value of the debit transactions (TAB Records) in the batch, in the currency that corresponds to the Service Establishment Number in the Transaction Batch Header (TBH) Record for this batch. All TAB Record transaction and tax amounts, and TBT total amounts, in a batch must be in the same currency.
If the batch contains no debit transactions, this field must be zero filled.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: batchDebitCount
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(6)
Java Type: String
For Billing and Billing Response Files, this field contains a value that corresponds to the total number of debit transactions (TAB Records) in the batch.
If the batch contains no debit transactions, this field must be zero filled.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: batchRejectAmount
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(15)
Java Type: String
For Billing Response Files, this field contains the hash total of all rejected Transaction Advice Basic (TAB) Records (i.e., the sum of the absolute values of all rejected debit and credit trans-actions) in the batch, in the currency that corresponds to the Service Establishment Number in the Transaction Batch Header (TBH) Record for this batch.
All TAB Record transaction and tax amounts, and TBT total amounts, in a batch must be in the same currency.
If the batch contains no rejected transactions (TAB Records), this field is zero filled.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: batchRejectTransactionCount
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(6)
Java Type: String
This field contains a value that corresponds to the total number of rejected transactions (TAB Records) in the batch.
If the batch contains no rejected transactions (TAB Records), this field is zero filled.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: batchTotalAmount
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(15)
Java Type: String
This field contains the hash total of all TAB Record TRANS-ACTION_AMOUNT fields (i.e., the sum of the absolute values of all debit and credit transactions) in the batch, in the currency that corresponds to the Service Establishment Number in the Transaction Batch Header (TBH) Record for this batch.
Note: All TAB Record transaction and tax amounts, and TBT total amounts, in a batch must be in the same currency.
The Batch Total Amount for an individual batch must not exceed the value “000009999999999”, regardless of currency.
For US and Canadian Dollar batches only:
The Batch Total Amount for an individual batch must not exceed the value “000007500000000” ($75,000,000.00). If necessary, create additional batch(es) and redistribute transactions so that the net amount for each batch does not exceed this value.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: batchTotalCount
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(6)
Java Type: String
This field contains a value that corresponds to the combined total number of debit and credit transactions (TAB Records) in the batch.
If the batch contains no debit or credit transaction (TAB Records), this field must be zero filled.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: createDateTime
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(14)
Java Type: String
This field contains a value that corresponds to the date and time that the file is created.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: fileResponseCode
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(5)
Java Type: String
This field contains a code that indicates the reason that the file was rejected by the Automated Bill Payment Platform (ABPP).
If unused, this field must be character space filled.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: fileSequenceNumber
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(6)
Java Type: String
This field contains a file submitter-specified, unique sequence number that is assigned to each file transmitted to American Express.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: invoiceDate
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(8)
Java Type: String
This field contains a value that corresponds to the transmission date. In most cases, this is the date that the batch was generated.
The format is: YYYYMMDD
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: julianDate
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(7)
Java Type: String
This field contains a value that corresponds to the Julian date on which the file is created. This date must coincide with the creation date in the CREATION_DATE_TIME field.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: merchantId
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(15)
Java Type: String
Indicates which merchant sent the billing/enrollment file. This ID is assigned by the Automated Bill Payment Platform (ABPP) during merchant boarding.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: rejectRecordNumber
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(8)
Java Type: String
This field contains the Record Number of the record that caused the file to be rejected by the Automated Bill Payment Platform (ABPP).
If unused, this field will be character space filled.
Added On: 02/13/12
SQL Column: SAID
Java Field: said
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(6)
Java Type: String
This field contains the Service Access ID (SAID) assigned by American Express.
Added On: 02/13/12
Java Field: serviceEstablishmentNumber
Status: Active
SQL Type: varchar(15)
Java Type: String
This field contains the American Express-assigned Service Establishment (SE) Number that is used to identify and pay merchants and authorized processors.
It is also informally referred to as the “Partner ID” field, because it identifies an organizational “Partner” that has entered into an agreement with American Express to provide services to Cardholders. An invalid entry in this field will result in file rejection.
If you process transactions for multiple merchants, stores or locations, create a separate batch for each entity and enter the SE Number/Partner ID (that corresponds to the records that comprise this batch) in this field.